Share Your Vision
We invite abstract submissions for pre-conference workshops, breakout and poster sessions.
Submission Opens: 15 June 2018
Submission Closes: 15 December 2018
Submission Formats:
Paper (Breakout) Session: Paper presentations are topical 30 minute oral presentations. The 30 minutes should be broken down into 15 minutes for the oral presentation followed by 15 minutes audience engagement. The paper presentation sessions will be chaired by a moderator and comprise of 3 individual papers (total of 90 minutes). The moderator will ensure that presenters adhere strictly to the time allocations so as to ensure sufficient time for discussion amongst the presenter and the audience.
Breakouts will be clustered thematically. Priority will be given to community based explorations of mindfulness-based programmes and approaches in which skilful adaptations are being explored and / or researched.
Poster Session: Poster sessions are an effective format for presenting scientific information in a more informal and intimate setting. Poster sessions will be 60-90 minutes and presenters will be required to be at their posters throughout the presentation session.
Pre-Conference Workshop Session: A workshop session deals with specific issues in the Mindfulness-Based field. These sessions will be facilitated by an expert/experts in a particular field, will incorporate skills training, presentation of grounded theory and research, and be interactive. The workshop session is 5 hours long with a tea break.
Submission Categories:
• Mindfulness in Health
• Mindfulness in Education
• Mindfulness in Leadership/Business/the Board Room
• Mindfulness in the Community
• Mindfulness and Trauma
• Mindfulness and Diversity
• Mindfulness Based Interventions: general
• Mindfulness and Social Justice
• Mindfulness in Sport and High Performance
• Mindfulness Education
• Mindfulness Teacher Training
• Neurobiology of Mindfulness and Compassion
• Ethics
• General mindfulness-based research